Friday, March 16, 2012

Digital Story Reflection

I really enjoyed being able to creat this digital story with Andrea. Edgar Allan Poe is my all time favorite author so I was excited to help others learn about his life and the impact his own experiences had on his writing. Andrea and I had a great time while working on this project and could not wait to see how it would come out in the end. This project allowed students who are not very fond of reading information and writing papers learn the required information in an entertaining way. I would certainly use Digital Storytelling in my future classroom! I think it will engage students and allow them to express their ideas in a more creative and fun way!

Digital Story Link

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the delay in posting this link on my blog. I was having internet issues the week it was due, and once that was all fixed, I was having trouble logging into my blog! So once again, I apologize for the delay! Hope you enjoy the video and I hope everyone had a nice break!